Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day one...

wow... I have never been here before... it's a little scary, but they tell me I can stay here all alone if I want to.  I don't have to invite anyone, or anything!  that might be lonely, but lonely is sometimes a safe place to be.  with no one else...  to disturb you, or judge you... or scrutinize you. 

...or like you, or encourage you, or cheer you! 

as I say in my "about me", I don't know if I have much of interest to say.  maybe I'll find out.  maybe *I* will even like what I write! 

wow...  how exciting this will be...


  1. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog...I'm glad you found it! I hope you don't mind...I just followed the link (your name) and found yours. Cute name! Blogging has been a great adventure for me...I've been going for a little over three years now! It's been cathartic to have a venue to express my thoughts, even if no one ever read them, but I've found great delight and encouragement when others can relate or have been there and leave sweet comments for me. I hope you find blogging as rewarding! :)
    How many children do you have? How long have you been married?
    Thanks again!

  2. I have four, 16, 17, 21, and 22. Two out of the house, one even married! two in high school. married 25 years. Amazing! not always easy, but it does help that we are both subject to the Lord. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know why I started this. Just a fluke, but we'll see what it turns out to be... :-] saw the kids' costumes you posted this morning. sweet! take care!

  3. oops, I posted from my daughter's acct. this is me, d'anne :-]

  4. Hi, thanks for your kind words and for stopping by my blog. I see you are located in Southeast US, me too. I started blogging in 2005 - has it really been that long? and love it! Hope you will too. Have a great day!
