Friday, November 12, 2010


So who said purple is the next big thing?  Purple is *the* holiday color, no matter *what* the holiday.  Valentine's, Easter, Halloween, Christmas...  I'm sure we'll be seeing purple flags and stars and stripes next year for Independence Day.  Purple is "it".  Granted, I like the color purple.  No, really... the COLOR purple.  Not the movie... never saw it, don't care to.  Purple is a nice color.  Peaceful, pleasant.  But if I start seeing it everywhere at all times, I think I will be getting tired of it soon.  Like that dusty country blue that overtook America back in the 80's.  blechhh...

Purple has its place.  Perhaps the problem is what it is paired with.  Easter... purple, pink, yellow, green, aqua... ACKKK!  Color overload!

Halloween... purple black and orange?  Black and orange for one day of the year is not so intolerable, but put purple with it, the purple you have seen all year long already, and puh-lease...

Christmas...  I could go for purple at Christmas.  Except when it's paired with NEON GREEN!!!!  Eh???

Purple, purple, purple...  No one ever comments that you can't rhyme anything with purple.  Maybe orange rhymes with purple.  Of course, we all know that Chuck Norris rhymes with orange...

Excuse me while I go paint my bathroom purple...

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